NSC Supervisors Safety Development Program

NSC Supervisors Safety Development Program

Course Accreditation NSC
Duration 3 Day
Number of Participant Max 15 Participant
Type of Training Request In-House Training + Open Courses
Target Participant New supervisors and managers; experienced supervisors and managers seeking refresher training of additional education.
Language of Training English
Goals of Training SSDP addresses leadership and management philosophies, empowered employees and self-directed teams, and hazard control and risk reduction, as well as other current ideas in effective practices that help improve and sustain safety performance. A key feature of the program requires participants to demonstrate they have acquired the knowledge and skills from training and are prepared to implement them in the workplace. Participants can gauge their understanding by answering self-check questions at the end of each module. Facilitators can evaluate learning and retention using each module’s participant exam and a cumulative course exam.
Instructor Qualifications NSC Certified Kaya Trainer
Method of Training Theoretical + in-class process
Assessment In-class evaluation